Lifestyle family photographer based in Westport, Connecticut.

La Luna Photography specializes in capturing authentic, timeless portraits of families and children. Sought after by discerning clients looking to preserve memories and capture the beauty in the everyday moments.

Serving over 300 clients in the Northeast and beyond.

β€œWhat I like about photographs is that they capture a moment that’s gone forever, impossible to reproduce”
— Karl Lagerfeld


Josephine Ettinger / owner and founder

Every family has a story…capturing the smiles, laughter, and special moments are what have inspired me to create La Luna Photography.

As a mother of two, I understand just how precious photographs are because time is ever so fleeting. I have been honing my skills and unique style of photography for over two decades, mastering the art of capturing candid moments and creating beautifully lit images that capture the joy in the everyday.  I would love to work with you to create lasting memories for your family.

  • Your photos are magic.


  • Just got the photos. I’m in love!! Thank you so much my talented friend.

    β€” Liz

  • Josephine, you have a true gift when it comes to working with children and working with your camera. We had so much fun and are blown away by the images you captured of our boys. Thank you, THANK YOU!

    β€” MEL

  • I can't believe you got those beautiful images of us…we will treasure them forever.

    β€” cynthia

  • Your patience and help with the kids was beyond. They had the best time with you.

    β€” Katherine

  • Josephine loves what she does and it definitely shows in her work. I would absolutely recommend her to anyone looking for a family photographer.



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